When George Mallory and Sandy Irvine disappeared on Mount Everest on June 8, 1924, the commercialization of the mountain was already under way. In the nearly 100 years, Everest has become an industry. With dozens of deaths on the mountain in the last five years, many feel that the mountain deserves a break. However, no matter how many die there, the dreamers will keep coming. In this captivating episode, Thom Pollard - with four expeditions over the course of 20 years under his belt, and a summit in 2016 - shares his insights about the good, the bad and the ugly of Everest. As a professional filmmaker and cameraman, he has seen Everest from all angles, including the discovery of George Mallory, 75 years after his disappearance, at 27,000 feet on the north side of Everest in 1999.
Thom uses excerpts from Tales From the Top, a recruitment event for the Boston Museum of Science, in February of 2018. The panel discussion was led by Professor Peter Hansen, Professor of History and Director of International and Global Studies at Worcester Polytechnic Institute. His book, The Summits of Modern Man, Mountaineering After the Enlightenment, can be found at Harvard University Press at this linkn: https://www.hup.harvard.edu/catalog.php?isbn=9780674047990
Music for the podcast was found on the Free Music Archive, performed by Vinod Prasanna, Okey Szoke & Pompey. Their label is Black Sea Records, found at https://www.bsr.fm/
For more information or to hire Thom for an Everest presentation, find him at www.eyesopenproductions.com Click on Contact and send a brief email to be added to the mailing list.
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Thom Dharma Pollard
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