Episode 13 of Radio Resistance sheds light onto an unfolding crisis that's not getting the attention it should - the "Waziristanization" of northern Afghanistan, as Pakistani Taliban (TTP) terrorists and their families are being resettled in the north.
We dissect the many sides of this escalating situation - forced displacement of indigenous populations, Taliban's fueling of ethnic tensions, regional security risks, geopolitical games, and the pressing need for a united global counter-terror response.
Since recording this episode, the situation has unfortunately worsened, adding an even greater sense of urgency. We've linked to some resources below to keep you updated.
06/13/2023: https://www.afintl.com/en/202306135006
06/13/2023: https://www.wearenrf.org/publications...
06/21/2023: https://www.usip.org/publications/202...
07/2023: https://smallarmssurvey.org/smuggling...
07/08/2023: https://www.voanews.com/a/pakistan-ca...
07/11/2023: https://amu.tv/56130/