Go Under the Musical Influence of Chris Key answering 9 Questions about his Musical Self.
Chris literally has kept every form of Media: Vinyl, 8-Track, Tape, & CD and Equipment: BoomBox, Speakers, & his Discman.
Do You Keep Every Form of Media and the Equipment to Play it On?
Remember Taping Directing from the Radio?
Find Out if Chris can BreakDance, Pop & Lock or the Robot?
Did Your Dad Turn it Up, for the Neighbors to Hear?
How did You take Your Music with You?
Have You Ever Gone to a Concert just because a Boy Band attracts Lots of Girls?
What was Your Secret Spot at the Mall to get Music
Do You Still Want Your MTV?
What Artists did You get into because of MTV?
Music Discussed from The Rolling Stones, Eddie Money, Hank Williams, Jr., Fleetwood Mac, Van Halen (Chris the Biggest Van Halen Fan I know!), NKOTB (Yes, New Kids on the Block!) and More!
Find Out More About the Band that Intro's & Outro's the Show!
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Under the Influence with DJJonniBravo
S1 E5 - Brian Belt