What do bankruptcy, an eviction or foreclosure, financial abuse from a partner, large amounts of debt, large losses in the stock market, and food insecurity all have in common? They are all forms of financial trauma you may have experienced in your past or present. Financial trauma is the mental, emotional, relational or physical stympoms triggered by significant financial stressors and it's something that you may have experienced in the past, and are still carrying around with you today.
In this week's episode of The Money Love Podcast I'm sitting down with Ali Kates, a Certified Trauma Recovery Coach & Somatic Experience Practitioner (In-Training). Ali believes that trauma & emotional pain is not just about what happened to you, but how it left your nervous system after said event. She preaches that your trauma cannot be "out talked" or "out thought", becuase it lives in the BODY. Becuase of that Ali gives her clients the tools and teachings they need to move their trauma out of their body for good. Ali and I break down what trauma is, the different types of trauma, what happens when trauma goes unprocessed in your body (helllooo shame), the different types of trauma responses and how they manifest within your money management style, and the first step you can take to moving stored trauma out of your body. You can find out more about Ali and her work below.
Connect & Work with Ali:
Contact info: hello@alikates.co
Website: www.alikates.co
IG: https://www.instagram.com/alikates.co/
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