Do you feel like you're treading water with your finances? Like you're not necessarily drowning but you don't feel like you're making forward momentum either? You feel confused becuase you feel like you're doing all the right things. You're paying all your bills each month and paying off your credit cards in full but you reach the end of each paycheck having not saved anything. If this sounds like you, you could be staying stagnant becuase you're in the credit card float.
In this week's episode of The Money Love Podcast Paige is breaking down in detail the concept of the credit card float, which is a trap that many people find themselves in without even realizing it. She's going to be sharing what it is, how its holding you back from reaching your full financial potential, how to get out of it, and how to stay out of it for good. This is for sure an episode that you'll want to grab a pen and paper for and listen to a couple times over. You'll leave with actionable and detailed steps on how to solve this problem so you can finally start making substansial progress with your finances. Enjoy!
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TikTok: @overcoming_overspending