If you're on a debt payoff journey (or knowing that you need to embark on one), this week's episode is for you. Are you confused on where to start? Not sure which debt to tackle first? How to know how much you can throw at each loan? How to keep yourself motivated throughout the process? Looking for permission to have fun along the way?
These are all questions that my guest Carly Hill from The Debt Free Mom breaks down for you in this episode. Carly shares with you her journey to debt freedom, the first two goals you need to accomplish before you start paying off your debt, how to decide which debt payoff method is right for you, how to know if you should use debt consolidation tools along your journey, and how to keep this holiday season debt free as a mom of 4. This is a value-packed conversation that will help you approach your debt payoff journey with clarity, confidence, and calm. Enjoy!
Carly's Bio:
Carly Hill is a mom of 4 with a love for seeing life through numbers. She uses her background in special education to break down the complicated topics around home finances in easy-to-understand ways. Through her online courses and coaching at Debt Free Mom, she’s helped hundreds of women move from feeling stuck in their finances to becoming stable money managers. If your home finances are built on uncertainty and worry, Carly can help you build a budget around your unique pay periods and give you confidence about your money.
Connect & Work with Carly:
Her Instagram: @debtfree.mom
Her Podcast: The Debt Free Mom Podcast
Her YouTube: @debtfreemom
Get the Debt Free Mom $9 Mini Course & Budget Template
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Where you can find Paige online:
Her Website: https://www.paigepritchard.com
Her IG: @overcoming_overspending
Her TikTok: @overcoming_overspending