One of the decisions that will have the biggst impact on your wealth building journey is your choice to be childree or not. Those who choose to be childfree have a different set of circumstances they need to factor into their financial planning. Becuase of this, you need to look at your wealth building through a different lens to support the goals and lifestyle you want to build as a childfree person. This is where this week's episode can help.
In this week's episode we're exploring the choice to be childfree and the impact it has on your financial planning. I'm joined by Bri Conn, the Chief Experience Officer at Childfree Wealth, a financial planning firm dedicated to helping Childfree and Permanently Childless people. Bri is also a Chidfree Wealth Specialist® and the co-host of the Childfree Wealth podcast.
In this episode we discuss the difference between being childfree and childless, the most annoying things you can do or say to someone who is childfree, the factors that go into someone's choice to be childfree, the 7 ways childfree planning is different than financial planning for someone with children, and how people with children can be supportive to the childfree people in their life. All of the information for Childfree Wealth can be found below, along with all the resources referenced in this episode. Enjoy!
Find and Connect with Bri and Childfree Wealth:
Their Podcast: The Childfree Wealth Podcast
Their Book: The Childfree Guide to Life and Money by Dr. Jay Zigmont, CFP®
Resources Mentioned In This Episode:
FREE MASTERCLASS: Why You Impulse Shop & How To Stop
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Where you can find Paige online:
Instagram: @overcoming_overspending
TikTok: @overcoming_overspending