Do you feel like there's always something that you want or desire? There's always a product "finish line" that you're working towards where you tell yourself "once I have ______ I'll finally be happy". If you find yourself in this familiar pattern, you're stuck on the hedonic hamster wheel. The hedonic hamster wheel is a metaphor for the human tendency to pursue one pleasure after another and it can be a viscious never-ending cycle that can derail your spending and finances if we don't take steps to actively slow it down or get off of it entirely.
In this week's episode of The Money Love Podcast we're diving into the phenomena of hedonic adaptation and breaking down how it impacts our consumption (in not so great ways). In this value-packed episode Paige is breaking down what hedonic adaptation is, how it impacts our consumption, real life examples that you might recognize in yourself, why our brains are wired this way, and the types of consumption that will keep you on and off the hedonic hamster wheel. Enjoy!
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