Corey: This episode is sponsored in part by LaunchDarkly. Take a look at what it takes to get your code into production. I’m going to just guess that it’s awful because it’s always awful. No one loves their deployment process. What if launching new features didn’t require you to do a full-on code and possibly infrastructure deploy? What if you could test on a small subset of users and then roll it back immediately if results aren’t what you expect? LaunchDarkly does exactly this. To learn more, visit and tell them Corey sent you, and watch for the wince.
Jesse: Hello, and welcome to AWS Morning Brief: Fridays From the Field. I’m Jesse DeRose.
Amy: I’m Amy Negrette.
Tim: And I’m Tim Banks.
Jesse: This is the podcast within a podcast where we talk about all the ways we’ve seen AWS used and abused in the wild, with a healthy dose of complaining about AWS for good measure. Today is a very special episode for two reasons. First, we’re going to be talking about all the things that you want to talk about. That’s right, it’s time for another Q&A session. Get hyped.
Amy: And second as is Duckbill’s customary hazing ritual, we’re putting a new Duckbill Group Cloud Economist Tim Banks through the wringer to answer some of your pressing questions about cloud costs and AWS. And he has pretty much the best hobbies.
Tim: [laugh].
Jesse: Absolutely.
Tim: You know, I choke people for fun.
Jesse: [laugh]. I don’t even know where to begin with that. I—you know—
Amy: It’s the best LinkedIn bio, that’s [laugh] where you begin with that.
Tim: Yeah, I will change it right after this, I promise. But no, I think it’s funny, we were talking about Jiu-Jitsu as a hobby, but my other hobby is I like to cook a lot, and I’m an avid, avid chili purist. And we were in a meeting earlier and Amy mentioned something about a bowl of sweet chili. And, dear listeners, let me tell you, I was aghast.
Amy: It’s more of a sweet stewed meat than it is, like, some kind of, like, meat candy. It is not a meat candy. Filipinos make very sweet stews because we cannot handle chili, and honestly, we shouldn’t be able to handle anything that’s caramelized or has sugar in it, but we try to anyway. [laugh].
Tim: But this sounds interesting, but I don’t know that I would categorize it as chili, especially if it has beans in it.
Jesse: It has beans. We put beans in everything.
Tim: Oh, then it can’t be chili.
Jesse: Are you a purist that your chili cannot have beans in it?
Tim: Well, no. Chili doesn’t have beans in it.
Amy: Filipino food has beans in it. Our desserts have beans in it. [laugh].
Jesse: We are going to pivot, we’re going to hard pivot this episode to just talk about the basis of what a chili recipe consists of. Sorry, listeners, no cost discussions today.
Tim: Well, I mean, it’s a short list: a chili contains meat and it contains heat.
Jesse: [laugh].
Tim: That’s it. No tomatoes, no beans, no corn, or spaghetti, or whatever people put in it.
Amy: Okay, obviously the solution is that we do some kind of cook-off where Tim and Pete cook for everybody, and we pull in Pete as a special quote-unquote, outside consultant, and I just eat a lot of food, and I’m cool with that. [laugh].
Jesse: I agree to this.
Tim: Pete is afraid of me, so I’m pretty sure he’s going to pick my chili.
Jesse: [laugh].
Amy: I could see him doing that. But also, I just like eating food.
Tim: No, no, it’s great. We should definitely do a chili cook-off. But yeah, I am willing to entertain any questions about, you know, chili, and I’m willing to defend my stance with facts and the truth. So…
Amy: If you have some meat—or [sheet 00:03:19]—related questions, please get into our DMs on Twitter.
Jesse: [laugh]. All right. Well, thank you to everyone who submitted their listener questions. We’ve picked a few that we would like to talk about here today. I will kick us off with the first question.
This first question says, “Long-time listener first-time caller. As a solo developer, I’m really interested in using some of AWS’s services. Recently, I came across AWS’s Copilot, and it looks like a potentially great solution for deployment of a basic architecture for a SaaS-type product that I’m developing. I’m concerned that messing around with Copilot might lead to an accidental large bill that I can’t afford as a solo dev. So, I was wondering, do you have a particular [bizing 00:04:04] availability approach when dealing with a new AWS service, ideally, specific steps or places to start with tracking billing? And then specifically for Copilot, how could I set it up so it can trip off billing alarms if my setup goes over a certain threshold? Is there a way to keep track of cost from the beginning?”
Tim: AWS has some basic billing alerts in there. They are always going to be kind of reactive.
Jesse: Yes.
Amy: They can detect some trends, but as a solo developer, what you’re going to get is notification that the previous day’s spending was pretty high. And then you’ll be able to trend it out over that way. As far as asking if there’s a proactive way to predict what the cost of your particular architecture is going to be, the easy answer is going to be no. Not one that’s not going to be cost-prohibitive to purchase a sole developer.
Jesse: Yeah, I definitely recommend setting up those reactive billing alerts. They’re not going to solve all of your use cases here, but they’re definitely better than nothing. And the one that I definitely am thinking of that I would recommend turning on is the Cost Explorer Cost Anomaly Detector because that actually looks at your spend based on a specific service, a specific AWS cost category, a specific user-defined cost allocation tag. And it’ll tell you if there is a spike in spend. Now, if your spend is just continuing to grow steadily, Cost Anomaly Detector isn’t going to give you all the information you want.
It’s only going to look for those anomalous spikes where all of a sudden, you turned something on that you meant to turn off, and left it on. But it’s still something that’s going to start giving you some feedback and information over time that may help you keep an eye on your billing usage and your spend.
Amy: Another thing we highly recommend is to have a thorough tagging strategy, especially if you’re using a service to deploy resources. Because you want to make sure that all of your resources, you know what they do and you know who they get charged to. And Copilot does allow you to do resource tagging within it, and then from there should be able to convert them to cost allocation tags so you can see them in your console.
Jesse: Awesome. Well, our next question is from Rob. Rob asks, “How do I stay HIPAA compliant, but keep my savings down? Do I re...