Last week in security news: Videos from fwd:cloudsec are now available on YouTube, AWS announces AWS Payment Cryptography, Amazon CodeGuru Security is now available in preview, and more!
There was lots of great content presented at fwd:cloudsec. The day-long videos are up on YouTube. You can use the schedule to help find the talks you're interested in.
In contrast to AWS's "Shared Responsibility Model", I appreciate GCP's "Shared Fate Model" where they put their own skin in the game in ensuring their customers are protected. In their New Cryptomining Protection Program, they offer $1M in what is basically an insurance policy that comes with Security Command Center Premium.
Bob McMillan from the WSJ reports that North Korean hackers have stolen more than $3 billion in crypto over the last 5 years, and their heists are now funding fully half of its ballistic missile program.
Issue with AWS Directory Service EnableRoleAccess - AWS released a security bulletin for this issue, which they seem to do at random for security issues. Ben Bridts from Cloudar found and reported this issue which AWS has fixed. He goes into more detail in his blog post and in a talk at fwd:cloudsec.