Episode description
In this extra special episode of the Shut Up & Sit Down Podcast, Tom, Ava, and Quinns are getting to the bottom of a complicated question; ‘Who Can Pitch Their Previews The Best In a 50 Minute Podcast Segment?’. We’re talking about a whole host of interesting upcoming or recently released games in this bumper podzone.
Folks, this one was great fun to record, with a lovely lovely audience at SHUX 2022. Enjoy!
04:55 - Cheese Thief
08:15 - Hamlet
13:10 - Deal with the Devil
17:15 - Phantom Ink
22:25 - Fit To Print
25:38 - Lands of Galzyr
30:18 - Return to Dark Tower
34:38 - Mountains Out of Molehills
39:30 - Turing Machine
43:50 - Leaf