Until the late 1800s and early 1900s, circumcision in the US was uncommon outside of the Jewish and Muslim communities. Today, an estimated 50% of American men are circumcised. Ben from Tantra Punk and Dr. Tiffany Graham of Springs Integrated Health join Tatiana today to discuss the origins of secular circumcision in moral panics and shaming behavior, the frustrating side-effects that circumcised men can experience, and the claimed health benefits of the procedure in this latest episode in our men’s sexual health series.
About the Guests:
Even though she is not a native of Colorado Springs, Dr. Graham has always felt like this is home. Growing up across the country, summers were spent visiting family in Colorado Springs and adventuring in the nearby mountains. That is why, when the opportunity to move here and open up a practice in 2013 presented itself, she jumped on it immediately.
Dr. Graham’s journey and commitment to health started as a young athlete. Her commitment to pursuing excellence eventually led her to accept a scholarship and play collegiate volleyball at Minnesota State, Mankato. In 2005/6 she was awarded with All-Region honors and even Minnesota State’s “Top Female Athlete of the Year”. Following college, she accepted an offer to play volleyball professionally in Spain for 2006-07. Her passion for athletics eventually turned into a passion for health and a calling to help people live to their God-given potential.
Chiropractic became the obvious choice to live out that calling, as she had been adjusted regularly since 5 years old, experiencing the benefits of having a healthy spine and nervous system, recovering quickly from injuries and sickness. She hopes to lead families, especially women, to lead and enjoy healthier lives through chiropractic and addressing the three T’s (trauma, toxins, and thoughts).
Ben Tantra Punk is a Los Angeles based sex worker, feminist porn producer/performer, permaculture designer, tantric counselor, author, filmmaker, podcast host and recording artist. He's found healing and empowerment through sacred loving arts, ecological gardening, shamanism, ecstatic trance dancing, martial arts, and open source technology.
He loves to help tantric seekers discover the infinite source of divine love from above, the eternal power and wisdom from the Earth below, and the bliss of conscious, healthy, diverse romantic relationships in between. He provides private coaching and counseling sessions online and in-person at a permaculture training/healing retreat center in Southern California.
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More Info:
Tatiana Moroz - https://www.tatianamoroz.com
Crypto Media Hub - https://www.cryptomediahub.com
Springs Integrated Health - https://www.springshealth.org
Tantra Punk - https://www.tantrapunk.com
Friends and Sponsors of the Show:
The Tatiana Show - https://thetatianashow.com
Global Crypto Advisors - http://globalcryptoadvisors.io
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