Why is it that when someone says self-care, I have to keep my eyes from rolling into the back of my head? Why does it feel like it doesn’t mean what it’s supposed to mean anymore? Is it really the answer to ALL of our problems? And does it even help to tell women who are already exhausted and already have more shit than they can handle to do more self-care?
I don’t know, friend. But we’re going to talk about it. Our guest is Dr. Christine Coleman, the Founder and CEO of POC Thriving, a private practice specializing in the intersection of mental health and inclusion, as well as the Executive Director of Sol Sisters Inc., a nonprofit with a mission to help diverse women overcome societal barriers by providing educational and empowering experiences that promote their personal and professional evolution. Working with companies like Pinterest, Business Wire, Mulesoft by Salesforce, and the Major League Baseball Network, Dr. Christine focuses on mental health, inclusivity, and belonging initiatives so organizations can better prioritize the psychological well-being and retention of their employees.
Prioritizing yourself, and taking time to care for yourself sends you and others a message about your self-worth. You’re teaching yourself and others how you deserve to be treated. And it radiates into all areas of your life.
We’re not meant to be running on fumes… we get to find the fuel we need.
Connect with Dr. Coleman:
Website: https://www.drchristinecoleman.com/
IG: https://www.instagram.com/drchristinecoleman/
LI: https://www.linkedin.com/in/drchristinecoleman/
Complimentary 30 min coaching session: https://www.drchristinecoleman.com/booking
We’d love for solsisters.org to receive donations for under-resourced women to receive a free membership to our courses on mental health, physical health, creative expression, and professional development. Here is the link to the Enrich program https://www.solsisters.org/enrich-membership
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