In this episode, we cover a topic that might just surprise you… but friend, we can always benefit from a departure from our usual discussions. We’re talking about crafting! Because it’s always good to tap into a different kind of creativity, and because you just may discover a new passion or rekindle an old one.
Our guest is Diana Weymar, and we’re going to talk about CRAFTING, and even a bit about what she calls craftivism. Diana grew up in the wilderness of British Columbia, studied Creative Writing at Princeton and worked in film in New York, and for the past decade, has been threading the needle to create a material record of our times. Both on social media and in person, she has encouraged thousands of people to find their own creative path. She is the creator and curator of the public art projects Interwoven Stories and Tiny Pricks Project. Her collaborations and exhibits bring people together around textile and embroidery to share personal stories and even to discuss political issues.
Whether it’s bookbinding, making jewelry, or even starting a cross-stitching club (which, let’s be honest, I’m seriously considering), there’s something deeply fulfilling about tapping into a different kind of creativity—one that nourishes the soul, keeps us openhearted and connects us to a larger community.
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