Women supporting women is a hashtag we see all over the place, but are we really doing it well? In business, I know many women who hesitate to leverage their own communities to grow their businesses. So this episode is for the business owner that’s wondering how to do this. It’s also for the friends, and the loved ones, to learn to be and become women who support women.
It’s not just a hashtag friends, it’s a way of being. It’s an ACTION.
To help us be smart about leveraging and creating a connected community to grow your business, is Kami Guildner, founder of the Extraordinary Women Ignite Conference, host of the award-winning Extraordinary Women Radio™, and best-selling author of Firedancer: Your Spiral Journey to a Life of Passion and Purpose.
It’s my belief there’s a special place in heaven for what my sister calls “Front Row Friends” – the ones who show up ready to cheer you on, are the first to stand for the ovation, and are screaming support for you and whatever you do at the top of their lungs.
Yeah. Get yourself one of those.
Connect with Kami:
Website: https://www.kamiguildner.com/
IG: https://www.instagram.com/kamiguildner/
LI: https://www.linkedin.com/in/kamiguildner/
FB: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1386664118079263/
Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/extraordinary-women-radio/id1216249277
Free Trainings: https://www.kamiguildner.com/events/
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