To get your FREE Confidence Building workbook, click here. In today’s episode, we’re covering topics related to pages 9-12 for those of you doing the work to build YOUR confidence!
Every Monday for the next several weeks (as long as it takes to get through Validation Is For Parking: How Women Can Beat The Confidence Con), I’m going to bring a chapter of the book to life!
This week we work our way through Chapter 5 (pages 9-12 of the workbook) and discuss the opportunity of Owning Who You’re Not and Embracing Yourself Anyway. Here’s what you can expect:
Recognizing and honoring your purpose (hint: your purpose is never to be all things to all people)
How owning what you’re not helps you build internal trust
We walk thru a powerful exercise that helps you identify what you’re not so you can begin to let go of who and what isn’t meant for you
I invite you to embrace all of it, so you can embrace all of you
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