Well, horror fiends, the Nerds have a lengthy discussion about ending it.
Not the show, don't be insane...well, not that insane!
We're talking about all the tired, and uninspired, horror tropes/cliches that, although were an intricate part in making the genre great, have become more of a crutch for many creators. Gags that may keep the popcorn crowds coming, but have the genre nerds rolling their eyes. Some can still be effective, when done well, and we applaud those writers and directors that can still pull them off...or even justify using what many see to be contrived and lazy.
Which do YOU feel need to go? What are some that you feel hold up and are effective every time? Take your time. And while you think about it, listen to the Nerds as they talk some damn tropes that need to be buried...
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