Marriage is different once you have kids, would you agree? Raising a family requires a lot of sacrifice from both husband and wife. But do we need to sacrifice our marriage relationship also? I don't believe we do.
It will be different than before children, but it can also be even better.
Our children will bring us our greatest joy and greatest challenges and frustrations. All the more reason to put your marriage at the top of your priorities so together you can enjoy the happy - joyful moments and hold each other up during the challenges times.
Today I share ideas on how you can nurture your marriage while raising your family. It is so important to remember that the two of you came first. Life and the kids will scream louder and demand more of your attention, but you can still give quality attention to your marriage.
As you keep nurturing this life long union (I believe eternity) you are giving your kids the greatest gift you will EVER give them - parents that love each other.