Ep 9: In which I speak with renowned climate scientist Michael E. Mann, co-author of the famous hockey stick graph, about the fires, the science, the clouds and our government's climate shitfuckery.
This is Part 2 of our podcast companion to our latest Honest Government Ad about the fires. If you haven't seen the video, you can watch it here.
You can follow Michael Mann on twitter here: @MichaelEMann
Here's Michael Mann's free online course, Climate Change: The Science and Global Impact
Here's some links that set the record straight on the Tim Ball lawsuit which many deniers have seized on to try to discreting Mann's work: this article provides a great overview, and this thread provides all the documentation. Most importantly, here are the dozens of scientific reconstructions that have validated Mann's hockey stick graph
Make sure to catch Part 1 of this podcast in which I speak with energy transition specialist Simon Holmes à Court.
Music featured in this podcast courtesy of Tom Day
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