Next stop for The Recursive podcast - Belgrade!
Our next guest became an entrepreneur fresh out of high school. Nikola Krstic is now the CEO of the software company Anoris Technology. His company develops a smart glove designed to help people with impaired vision. The smart glove works like a wearable assistant device enabling blind people to have a better quality of life. And it is inspired by the founder himself.
In his conversation with Georgi Nenov, he shares his personal journey to entrepreneurship - from a nerdy kid who started programming at 8 years old through winning a high school entrepreneurship competition with his idea of the smart glove for blind people, to building a working prototype and planning a global distribution campaign.
In the episode, Nikola talks about:
⚒️ The thirst for being a creator and the importance of motivation when venturing out; (“If you give someone the knowledge, you give them the key to success”)
🚀 The technology behind the smart glove, their market approach, and vision to help visually impaired people live a happy and fulfilled life;
🇷🇸 The challenges but also opportunities to grow a startup with a global vision from Serbia;