Seth Goldman co-founded Honest® Tea in 1998 with Professor Barry Nalebuff of the Yale School of Management. Thirteen years later they were acquired and are now a $160 million division of Coca-Cola.
Today, Honest Tea is the nation’s top selling ready-to-drink organic bottled tea and Honest Kids® is the nation’s top-selling organic children/youth beverage.
The brands are carried in more than 100,000 outlets in the United States, including all Wendy’s and Chik-fil-A restaurants.
It was a long, tough, and fun road to get to where they are today. One of the best food business books I have ever read, Mission in a Bottle tells their story. I interviewed Seth about the book and he responded with sage advice for emerging food startups:
Selected links from the episode:
Honest Tea
Mission in a Bottle (note from Matt: Read it!!)
Coca Cola Venturing & Emerging Brands
Ripple Foods
Beyond Meat
Calvert Investments
American Beverage Association
Bethesda Green