In this interview with Josh Stamper, Josh and I talk about trained trauma-informed practices as well as restorative practices. We also talked a great deal about student choice. I explore Josh's work with The Teach Better Team, his Aspire Podcast, and leadership. You are going to love this episode.
Joshua Stamper is a middle school Assistant Principal for a North Texas School District, where he's had the amazing opportunity to work at four campuses in two districts as an art teacher, athletic coach, Dean of Students, and Assistant Principal. He is the host of The Aspire Leadership Podcast, a podcast designed to help others become better leaders.
Joshua is married with five kids. Joshua and his wife, Leslie, became foster parents in 2011, and had the privilege of adopting three of their children from foster care. Joshua is trained in trauma-informed practices for meeting the emotional, social, and behavioral needs of children who have been through adverse childhood experiences, which Joshua also applies to his role as an administrator.
In addition to his administrative position, Joshua is a podcaster, author, leadership coach, and education presenter.
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