Jeffrey McClellan is the founder and CEO of, a community, a resource and a tool for implementing Self Organized Learning Environments. SOLE is an amazing lesson any teacher, in any grade or subject can employ to level-up their classroom. SOLE combines an essential question, with research and a presentation in a single class period that enhances learning through better technology use, collaboration, presentation skills and so much more.
Jeff is brilliant, and I am incredibly proud to share his story and work with you. This episode of The Wired Educator Podcast will impact the life of and classroom of everyone who listens and applies this amazing free resource. Buckle-up, you are going to love this interview with Jeff McClellan.
Jeff became the founding director of SOLE CLE in January 2015, after founding and heading MC2STEM High School in the Cleveland Metropolitan School District. McClellan is supporting the implementation of Self Organized Learning Environments in schools and educational entities within the Cleveland Region and beyond. The concept of SOLE was first introduced by Sugata Mitra, the winner of the first $1 million TED Prize. Prior to MC2 STEM, McClellan worked for the Lima City Schools in Ohio.
STARTSOLE helps transform education through SOLE (Self-Organized Learning Environments).SOLE focuses on the process of learning itself instead of simply focusing on the results. Ithelps prepare students for success in today’s era of technology and information. SOLEprovides an early intervention in education that can level the academic playing field andincrease equity among all students. With SOLE, kids will be able to develop the skills needed for a modern digital society, and they will have the opportunity to work in environments that favor inclusion and educational innovation.
Mentioned in this Podcast: The best way to create, organize, collaborate on, and share your lessons. Wired Educator grades an A+. Tell them Kelly sent you. This is Jeff's amazing site that has everything you need to begin SOLE in your classroom. It's all awesome, and it is all free; I hope you will check it out.
Jeff's recommended reading: A Time to Learn by George Wood
Your Opening Day Speaker for 2019: I would like to be your school district's opening day speaker. I hope you will take a minute to check out my speaking page and send me an email. My presentation is unlike anything you have ever seen. I have combined all of my passions: art, computer animation, music, writing, speaking around how to be an innovative educator that makes a lasting impact in the lives of students. I want to honor recognize the amazing work of your staff and give them a new perspective and direction for the year, along with some amazing tools to make their year more fun and their classrooms even more impactful.
———————————————————————– Kelly Croy is an author, speaker and educator. If you’d like to learn more about Kelly, or invite him to your school or conference to speak please send him an email. • Listen to Kelly’s other podcast, The Future Focused Podcastand subscribe. • Subscribe to The Wired Educator Podcastwith over 115 episodes of interviews and professional development. • Visit Kelly’s website at • Looking for a dynamic speaker for your school’s opening day? • Consider Kelly Croy at • Order Kelly’s book, Along Came a Leaderfor a school book study or your personal library. • Follow Kelly Croy on Facebook. • Follow Kelly Croy on Twitter. • Follow Kelly Croy on Instagram