Kelly Interviews the "Tech Rabbi" Apple Distinguished Educator, Rabbi Michael Cohen. You can follow him on Twitter at @TheTechRabbi
Rabbi Michael Cohen is the Director of Educational Technology at Harkham Hillel Hebrew Academy in Beverly Hills. It is there that he created and developed the “Invisible iPad” approach to technology use in education, a topic on which he has presented at several conferences, and institutions including Apple Leadership Events, SXSWEdu, ISTE, American Jeweish University, and the EdTechTeacher iPad Summits.
Due to this innovative approach, Rabbi Michael was selected to join the Apple Distinguished Educators Class of 2015. In 2016, Onalytica published a report ranking Rabbi Michael among the Top 50 EdTech Influencers today. Rabbi Michael is an ordained Orthodox Rabbi, and holds a Masters in Education specializing in Educational Technology, and a Bachelors in Fine Art focusing on Art and Design.
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Kelly Croy is an educator, author and speaker.
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Kelly’s book, Along Came a Leader is available for purchase here.