In this episode of The Wired Educator Podcast, I interview Rae Hughart. Rae is a member of the Teach Better Team; they create awesome resources for educators. Rae is the co-author of the brand new, best-selling book, Teach Better and she co-hosts the Teach Better Talk Podcast.
How are you, friends? You okay? I have some words of hope and inspiration for you, your schools and your families in my intro. I hope you are all safe and healthy.
Thank you for checking in with me. I have four episodes on my desktop ready to be published. Get ready.
Thank you for all of the extra hours I know you are putting in. Thank you for all of the extra care and connection you are providing for your students. Thank you for all of the training you are providing for your colleagues. You are amazing and you are making a difference!
Rae Hughart is a Middle-Level Math Educator in Illinois, creator of the Teach Further Model, Co-Author of "Teach Better" and the Director of Training & Development for the Teach Better Team.
In 2017, Rae was honored with the Illinois State University Outstanding Young Alumni Award – inducting her into the University Hall of Fame. In 2018, Rae was awarded the Henry Ford Teacher Innovation Award for the work with the Teach Further Model.
Rae conducts training on a variety of topics including the Teach Better Mindset, Dynamic Lesson Planning, Standards-Based Grading, and Personalized Learning.
Mentioned in this podcast:
Rae's book: Teach Better
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