In this episode of The Wired Educator Podcast, I interview Chad Ostrowski. Chad is the co-author of an awesome new book titled Teach Better, he is the creator of an amazing system to help you become a better educator, called The Grid Method, and he is a member of the Teach Better Team, they create awesome resources for educators. Chad and I really connect in this interview. It’s a lot of fun and it’s full of value. Buckle-up.
Chad was Former MS Science teacher in a high needs economically disadvantaged school district. He Developed and created The Grid Method to reach ALL of his students regardless of need. In 2015 Chad founded the Teach Better Team with Jeff Gargas and now works with school districts, schools, and teachers across the country to help them reach more students. As a published author, trainer, and keynote speaker he has helped schools improve student outcomes across the country.
Chad and I talk about: Instruction, Assessment, Mastery Learning, Self-paced learning, student-centered learning, Classroom Management, Student-Ownership, and more!
Mentioned in this episode:
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Order a copy of Chad's awesome new book,Teach Better.
Visit Chad's blog:
Check out his website full of amazing resources:
Listen to The Teach Better Talk - Podcast
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