Infinite Abundance is our natural way of being says our friend Rikka Zimmerman. This dynamic lady asks us some loving but tough questions and encourages us to examine where in our lives we are blocking that flow of abundance of money.
As both of us have spent time with Rikka in person, we well know her propensity for asking the kind of questions that make your brain rattle and question if all that up to this point you held as true .... may not be after all.
Here's a taster....
What if we already are everything we want in life?
What if we were open to and could receive money in the way that we are open to and can receive nature?
What if your beliefs about money are not even yours, but are from your parents?
What if, just for a few moments you stepped into a place where you were secure without money?
Yes, we know that is all a complete 'mind mash' ... and watching the interview is very likely to wipe your 'internal hard drive' on what money means to you...
Mel and me had to do some very serious and personal internal questioning of around what each of us believed about money during this interview - talk about being put on the spot!
In the nicest possible way, Rikka holds us accountable - she wants for each of us to be open to having the life we truly deserve and to the end she has the ability to with laser like focus, direct her questions to that part of you that is sick of not having the life you want.
It's an extraordinary and unique way that Rikka has of just 'knowing' what is going on for you and asking the right question to create the dynamic shift you need.
Once you have watched the video you are bound to want to spend more time with Rikka and luckily she is about to offer an 8-week Teleclass (July 15-Sept 3 2013) that is going to unleashe the secrets of how to ACTIVATE the FINANCIAL WISDOM within you so that you can call a halt on searching outside of yourself for answers to your financial worries.
So if you are looking for prosperity abundance.... Click here to secure your place