Our uniqueness, our genius is just waiting to be discovered. Michael Stratford is a Provocateur of Transformation, Author, Master Coach and International Speaker and shares with us his own transformational journey to unveil his Genius.
Literally at the brink of taking his own life, he suddenly reconsidered what he believed to be true. He began to question his judgemental thoughts of himself and crucially asked, 'What if I am wrong?' This turning point resulted in him checking himself into a psychiatric unit and beginning the long road to emotional competence and discovering his unique gift that he had to share with the world.
Each of us has that spark inside us that is yearning to burst into flame and let us shine our light. Many of us are now 'waking up' to the truth that we are each of us bubbling with potential and that if only we can find a way to be released from our 'conditioning' from all those layers of beliefs that have kept us playing way to small... then we can fully blossom into the amazing beings we always were.
Michael jam-packs this interview with valuable nuggets of information. So if you are ready to discover and embrace YOUR genius then listen in and begin that wonderful process of discovery.