Rikka Zimmerman is our very special guest in this episode. We could not help but be captivated and entranced by her radiant smile, warmth and sincerity.
Acclaimed international Speaker, author and singer/songwriter Rikka explores with us the nature of consciousnessand also gives us a sneak preview of her new album where she has created specific frequencies of sound to enhance the raising of our consciousness.
As a child Rikka had a difficult time 'fitting in' and her 'energy talk' drew worried glances from her family. Nevertheless the created success in her life and lived 'the American Dream' with all the material trappings her successful business could buy.
However it soon all turned out to be worthless as Rikka discovered that she had been living a life 'looking for herself where she was not', ie looking outside of herself for happiness and fulfilment.
And so began her journey to explore this new world of 'consciousness' where her understanding of her own infinite powers began and life took on a far deeper and more powerful meaning for this young woman.
As Rikka became more and more comfortable and at ease with who she really was, incredible opportunities unfolded - hear the tale of Elton John's producer appearing from nowhere to offer her a recording contract!
This is an episode that all those who are intrigued by the meaning of consciousness, and who are ready to enquire more deeply into the questions of beliefs, judgements and transformation will absolutely delight in. Rikka has such an easy way to express what this all means and how each of us can learn to access our true power.
There is no doubt in our minds that Rikka is 'ahead of the game' in the world of personal development and is an inspirational leader as you feel the energy of her work wrap around you and Beryl certainly had the tingles and shivers as the interview went on.
We also had the homour of hearing and sharing with you an excerpt from her new album - 'Remember Who You Are'. Rikka describes how she composed this recording with layers of 'healing' frequencies that have been known to aid healing in the listener.
Rikka's life now revolves around sharing her 'Adventure in Oneness' programme with students all over the world. Much in demand as a speaker, we caught up with her just as she had arrived in the UK for her 19-23 June 2013 classes in London.
You are in for a treat!