'What becomes of the broken hearted?' is the title of a song I (Beryl), as a teenager used to play over and over again on my record player as I nursed one 'heart-smashing' after another. For many, a broken heart can last for years. In fact some never heal and often avoid repeating the experience by staying away from intimate relationships for the rest of their lives.
Tom Stone returns to Wired For Success TV to reassure us that we can pull back the pieces of a broken heart within a few minutes. His technology offers us ways to develop 'Emotional Competence' and free ourselves from sometimes, life-long, unhelpful emotions that can shackle us to a life that holds us back from our own 'amazingness'.
In this lively, uncut and candid discussion, we probe Tom on the destructive emotion of jealousy; the slippery slope of relationship expectations; why we repeatedly and unconsciously look for the same 'type' of partner; how we can attract the type of partner that will enhance our lives; Love versus Lust; and also how we relate to other 'partnerships' in our lives such as with money and business.
Tom shares his views on what Love really is and how we can attract more of it into our lives, how we can feel love for ourselves and for life itself - and when we do, what a playground of love life becomes!
Beryl also shares her experiences of clearing her issues with Tom and how her life is changing as a consequence.