Law of Attraction goes mainstream - is the goal of Tam Veilleux. Witty, wise, wonderful and, by her own admission, a little weird is this lady. Author, artist, alchemist, speaker and transformational coach are hats she wears.
Her first love is her pint-sized creation, Molly Kite, the star of her book for kids aged 4-99! Molly travels with Tam as they share the story of how it is OK for little kids (and big kids) to dream, and even dream BIG. Passionate about creating a world where everyone can play full out in their own lives, she recognises that revealing a world where anyone can achieve anything is the way forward - and she is not shy about playing her part! Her biggest dream is to coerce Disney into turning Molly Kite into a big screen star - and we have no doubt that she will achieve it.
Listen in for a lot of fun, provocative discussion and fired-up energy...