Going Vegan is for most people a pretty gradual process. Not for Steve Trister. Earthlings, the documentary of how humanity mistreats animals marked a turning point in Steve's life. He clearly remembers the date, 18th January 2013.
Immediately after the viewing he felt so traumatised by what he had witnessed that he posted his reaction to Facebook via a two and a half video he filmed on his iPhone. His intention simply being that if one or two people saw it, maybe they would rethink a few things. From that moment his life changed forever. He believed he had a purpose before, now he knows he does.
What happened next, blew him away. Thousands of shares on Facebook later and hundreds of messages from people all over the world. Steve now has a focus on revealing the truth about the suffering, that as a race we are inflicting on not only our animals, but also ourselves, each other, and our planet. He knows that he can no longer be, nor does he want to be, a by-stander.
Steve is a young man who is breaking the mould. Born as a London 'Eastender', he grew up in Essex, is a 'mad' West Ham United supporter, has shifted from hard core carnivore to vegan and is deeply spiritual.
His perhaps most prominent gift is his flair for communication. A professional comedy actor, he has created the hilarious personal development trainer, 'Guru John Popolini'. As an accomplished actor, he has performed well over 850 times to audiences of up to 1,000 people all over Europe.
A passion for truth is now what drives Steve on in his life. When we interview him here he is still visibly reeling from the impact his reaction to Earthlings has caused across Facebook. Unsure of where this is all taking him, he is nevertheless prepared to trust that by following his heart he will be just where he needs to be.
This is an interview that eases between pathos - as we include that Facebook video and hilarity as Steve entertains us with his unique brand of humour.
Look out for the kisses at the end....x