Drunvalo Melchizedek is a globally renowned Spiritual Teacher and Leader.
In these times of unprecedented change on the planet, Drunvalo has dedicated himself to guiding us in ways we can support ourselves and the Earth raising of the consciousness of humanity and the planet towards lives, that he says, will be of such wonder that it is beyond our present comprehension.
For those of us who are struggling with fear issues around the breakdown of relationships and systems that we believed were keeping us safe, Drunvalo has words of encouragement and hope.
Over 30 years travelling the world, studying with over 70 different Spiritual Teachers and every known spiritual practice on the planet, Drunvalo is now facilitating 'Awakening the Illuminated Heart' workshops in his home town of Sedona, Arizona.
His work with indigenous tribes from every continent gave him a unique perspective on the cosmic alignment between the Earth, the Sun and the centre of our Galaxy on December 21st 2013.
Drunvalo is a rare breed indeed. An avid researcher, everything he shares is backed up by Science. He has unique insights into what is going on both ON and OFF the planet, and his teachings are a promise of spiritual renewal
Hold fast... it is not all gloom and doom. In fact the very opposite is true. We are indeed on the brink of BIRTHING A NEW EARTH.