Moving and grooving in the aisles in 'Celebration of Life', singing along to Bonnie Tyler's 'I Need A Hero' and listening to Alice in Wonderland readings is just part of the joy, fun and uplifting things that go on in the Sunday Assembly, co-founded by stand-up Comedian, Sanderson Jones.
So what IS this all about? How does someone go from touring Australia, gigging at the Edinburgh fringe being part of the London comedy scene, suddenly out of seemingly nowhere begin a monthly 'church service' for atheists? No worship, no altar, no communion wine - a need breed of spiritual gathering in a traditional setting. As Sanderson says, 'we kept all the good stuff of church services'.
We managed to track down and interview this bushy bearded non-vicar who is now drawing in the crowds with over 200 people worldwide to set up their own Sunday Assemblies.
Living up to his comedian status, Sanderson keeps us in stitches of laughter with this short and spirited chat. If this is a taster of what goes on at the Sunday Assembly then no wonder it is packed out and becoming more popular by the month...look out for them coming to a Church near YOU!!! These guys are on fire.