Spiritual Awakenings are sweeping the planet! Relationship breakdowns, depression, job losses...all in the melting pot. Sidra Jafri, knows first-hand how it feels to break out of a life that no longer was a good 'fit'. With the empathy of one who has 'trodden the path', she is using her 'gifts' to help as an Energy Healer to help others through their dark night of the soul.
Her deep wisdom gives her a gravitas that belies her youth. Awakening Facilitator, Speaker and Coach, she is drawing crowds to her London events and stories of transformation are widespread.
Sidra shares with us here her thoughts on why so many of us are having such painful awakenings right now, how we can use them to our advantage and what will shift us through to a place where we can be our authentic selves, living lives of joy and fulfillment and on our 'own' terms.