Charles Eisenstein, International Speaker and the author of the The Ascent of Humanity and latterly, Sacred Economics joins us for a liberating discussion on the present economics system of the world. His book Sacred Economics traces the history of money from ancient gift economies to modern capitalism, revealing how the money system has fostered competition and scarcity, destroyed community and necessitated endless and unsustainable economic growth.
He is willing to speak the truths that are staring humanity n the face - that in the pursuit of a higher GDP we seriously risk losing our natural resources and even the planet and consequently our very lives. As King Midas forewarned – we will be dead – but very very rich.
Charles believes that despite the many negative connotations that money has attracted, now is the time to redress the balance.
Here he shares with us how he believes that if we embrace the ‘gift world’ then we can usher in the practice of Sacred Economics where each of us have a higher chance of having our economic and… possibly our emotional needs too as each of us are called to acknowledge our own gifts.
Without dwelling on the fear issues, we explore the weaknesses in the finance and education system that keep people playing small and stop them developing their own innate gifts and creativity that could have a very positive impact on society financially and... emotionally.
When people stop 'buying' into the idea that this world has to be a 'certain way' and that in order to survive we need to 'get a job' and a job that is not necessarily doing what we love, then each of can become more empowered and fulfilled.
There is distinct optimism in Charles' message as we discuss what each of us can do as individuals to usher in this new age of economics and how the inner work we do will ultimately be reflected in our outer world.
Look out for his new book due Autumn 2013 : ' The Beautiful World that Our Hearts Know Is Possible'.