Medical Herbalist, PSYCH K and EFT Practitioner Fiona Shakeela Burns healed from cancer twice, both times the doctors had pronounced her terminally ill. She had Plasma Cell Leukaemia aged 11 and then as an adult, metastasised cervical cancer which had spread to the ovaries and the brain - and she is still here!
Her childhood cancer recovery, which was due largely to the Gerson Therapy, led to her becoming a Medical Herbalist and she was able to bring this experience to her own healing process 31 years later when cancer struck for the second time in the cervix, ovaries and brain.
The combination of a plant diet, juicing, high-dose vitamin C infusions, cutting-edge cancer treatment in a German clinic as well as the Energy Psychology treatments: EFT and PSYCH-K that enabled her to be cancer-free in only ten months.
Listening to Fiona, you can't help but be open to the possibility that each of us is able to heal ourselves! We have been brainwashed to believe that drugs and radiotherapy are the only way to heal from cancer.
Clearly it is time to think for ourselves and to not buy into a set of beliefs foisted on us by the medical and pharmaceutical industries that cancer is a condition only of the body and that the mindset is not part of the equation.
Having discovered for herself that there is no such thing as an incurable disease, she delights in supporting others to connect to their own path back to wellness. She Coaches and supports those who are faced with chronic health issues to make empowering choices.
In 2013, she ran the highly successful ‘Back 2 Health Conference’ in Bristol which provided cutting edge information for those with a cancer diagnosis and also for practitioners supporting those on a healing journey.
The next one will be a much larger event (due to ticket demand) and is due to run in Bristol, March 14th – 16th 2014 and will feature well- known Phillip Day, author of 'Cancer - Why We Are Still Dying to Know the Truth'.
As well as her own busy clinic, Fiona runs Potions Classes for children, showing them how to make and prepare their own herbal remedies - sounds fun.
Currently she is writing a book about her profound healing experiences and we interviewed her as she was in the throes of organising the Back 2 Health Conference for 2014.
Join us in this lively interview where Fiona is extremely generous with her knowledge and experience of healing from and preventing cancer.