'Approach Life and Business as a great Game'to Play or Win' - is just one of the philosophies of this man who calls himself the 'Provocateur of Transformation'.
An author, International Speaker, Workshop Facilitator and Coach - Michael Stratford had our minds in overdrive as we struggled to get our heads round some of his very new thinking about how to play the game of life. We totally loved his approach!
He is definitely into creating a playground in which to interact with life and is very successful at helping his clients unleash personal and business transformation.
It has to be said that Michael is not your 'usual' Coach. Provocative he definitely is. His way of looking at life is both expanding and extremely refreshing. The winding path of life led him through all kinds of dark times and eventually pushed him into the light and thank goodness the Universe did its bit in dropping him into our laps!
We had the most wonderfully spirited conversation with this man, in fact our minds veritably 'danced with delight' at his viewpoints on classic personal development topics eg he calls himself the 'Goal Killer' and expands on why goals for the 'big' things we achieve in life happen without the need for goals and so how about taking a more empowering approach to creating the life we want and deserve.
This is an absolute 'must' if like us, you want to blast the brain cells of your thinking with new ways of looking at Coaching and Personal Transformation.
We are certainly going to bring Michael for some more mind gym very soon.
Listen in for some fun!