John Perkins, author of 'Confessions of an Economic Hit Man', 'Hoodwinked' and 'Shape Shifting' joins us to explore ideas of how we can, as individuals, influence the big Corporations to look at a wider perspective than just the 'bottom line' and still be financially successful.
As more and more of us 'wake up' to the knowledge that we are powerful beyond our wildest dreams, we are looking for ways in which to create positive change for humanity and the planet.
John Perkins has created the Dream Change organisation which is dedicated to changing the way modern societies 'dream' the world and shares....
"We are mistakenly taught that the way to business success is through maximizing profits regardless of the social and environmental costs. However, we now know that this has created a failed global economy, one where shockingly, less than 5% of the population (the U.S.) consumes nearly 30% of the resources, while billions live in abject poverty. This is not only an unfair system, it is not conducive to a sustainable world for future generations."
We discuss with John how it is entirely possible for us to come together and not only envision but create a future that is environmentally sustainable, is spiritually fulfilling and allows social justice for everyone.
If you only know John Perkins from 'Confessions of an Economic Hit Man' (as we did - and what a great and enlightening read it is!) then you are in for a real treat as John Perkins reveals the the reasons and passion for his new project forward. be ready to be inspired to join in with this new era of 'Conscious Business'.