Our unending quest to bring you fresh thinking to help you on your journey to reconnect with your own greatness has once again brought us to the door of William Whitecloud.
A few episodes back , William inspired us all, with his story of how he overcame an illness that brought him close to the arms of death, and how this was a catalyst for him to become an Author, Coach and International Speaker.
Thousands of people have now been helped by his work including his coaching programme, Living From Greatness. His books, The Magician’s Way and the The Last Shaman, are compelling reads as well as best sellers. They llustrate how we are all innately ‘wired’ to be successful if only we can find ways to let go of our past conditioning – and William can definitely help us do that.
We have invited him back to share with us his insights into how to create Success ‘naturally’. Many aspire to be successful and yet it is not always easy to define what 'Success' really means. To some it is purely financial, for others it is great relationships or recovering their health. In this in-depth conversation with Williams we explore the labels we put on success and why it is so difficult for many of us to achieve on a material plane what we see as success.
Measures of success, steps to success and critical success factors are all up for discussion with the inimitable William Whitecloud. No one can deny that William has made an in-depth study of the subject of success.
William is based in California though he will be running workshops in London at the end of May 2013.