A 'divine world' is the dream and hope of all of us, however it takes some big steps towards making it happen and so many of us believe that as an individual we are powerless. Well think again! This young man is taking massive action towards creating a world that we can all be proud of. Author of the 'Inner Revolution' Luke Hancock went through what he calls a 'crash' of the emotional kind in order to become aware of what he really wanted to do to create meaning and purpose in his life.
With some trepidation, he said goodbye to his executive corporate life and set out on his travels to clear his mind and make space for some paradigm shifts to happen.
Time away from the western world and his travels around South East Asia aroused in him an acute awareness that humanity and the planet need to very soon discover a way to Thrive not just Survive. His meandering around Asia alerted him to the fact that the new found wealth of these countries meant that its people were starting to become just as trapped as westerners, and allowing materialism to start taking control their lives.
Luke and his partner Susana Norte, were literally about to board a plane to Thailand when we managed to pin Luke down for this interview. Their mission is to set up an Eco-Centre dedicated to education, healing and sustainability. Keen to implement permaculture, organic horticulture, free energy and other 'planet friendly' ideas, they are looking for volunteers to join them for hands on help and also Spiritual and Professional Leaders to run workshops from the centre from the Fall of 2014. He is eager to hear from you if this appeals!
Well done Luke for following your heart and walking away from all that some would consider 'safe' to create something that has the potential to benefit so many, in so many ways. The centre is to be named 'Mundos Divinos' - Divine World, and Luke has agreed to give us regular video updates on its progress. Worth a mention that regular holiday makers will be made very welcome too and can relax with delicious home grown organic food, and a dip in the pool.
Listen in on our chat with him as we learn more about his amazing journey.