Unprecedented access to His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama was granted to Award-winning Filmmaker Leon Stuparich as he unknowingly embarked on his own journey towards inner peace when he took a film crew to follow the 14th Dalai Lama around the UK. Little did Leon know that he would find out as much about himself as he did about the man he was shadowing.
The plan was to capture the essence of his Holiness as he interacted with his followers, though as of course the spiritually aware amongst you will recognise, plans have a fun time of morphing into something much more!
As many of us are 'waking up' to an inner calling, Leon was no different and his work in mainstream television just wasn't as fulfilling anymore and events unfolded in an extraordinary way for him and before he knew it - he was on the 'Road to Peace' himself.
Be warned, this conversation with Leon is quite likely to awaken in you your greatness that may have been laying dormant and awaiting a gentle prodding. It may be that like Leon you too, are less than enamoured with the life you are leading and are looking for a sign, a symbol, an opportunity to step through a portal to a life which may not be 'easier' but where you begin to feel more at 'ease' with yourself.
Like it or not, we are all in a space of transformation now. The world is changing and each of us at some level is seeing and experiencing change around us. During our chat with Leon, we explore how each of us is more powerful than we had imagined, we are infinite beings with unlimited potential and the world is waiting for our gift.
The time for separation has passed and we can each of us follow in the footsteps of his Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama and take the message of peace and non-violence into our own lives. All changes comes from within.
Finally, Leon says of this great man: 'When he talks to you, he pays you full attention, and for those few moments it feels as though there is nobody else but you and him'.
To help spread the message of peace and non-violence, Leon invites you to organise a screening of his film within your community or family/friends circle. You can order the DVD here http://www.roadtopeace.co.uk/dvd/