You’ve already got all the training, knowledge, and skills you need. All you need to do is trust in that, and share it!
We all worry about “getting it wrong” sometimes. But the reality is you have conversations within your area of expertise every day. So why is it so hard to do the exact same thing with an audience?
Scared of embarrassing yourself? Maybe.
Scared of being judged? Probably.
List all the reasons you’re an authority in your field:
Years of training
Money spent on professional development
Years of experience
Number of people helped
And so on...
Now tell me again why you’re scared you’ll say something dumb.
See? There’s no truth to your fears. So stop letting fear call the shots.
And if anyone judges or criticises you for sharing your expertise freely, send them my way! I’ve got your back!
Have an amazing evening,
Tess x
p.s. Keep your eyes peeled for some behind the scenes footage this weekend while I have the privilege of hanging out with some of my Like A Boss inner circle business coaching clients. Due to a couple of recent graduations, there is currently a vacancy in Like A Boss, so shout if you’re keen! x