Have you avoided marketing this past financial year? Too busy? Like, literally TOO BUSY? Scared it’s going to cost you time and money? I’m here to tell you all that is nonsense.
Many business owners tell me they don’t want to engage in marketing because they’re scared to have to turn business away. What does this tell us? They need to recruit, right? But there’s no staff to be found! And around and around they go.
Here’s the thing. Marketing your business isn’t just about generating more business. It’s about establishing a meaningful and relatable presence in the community. This means that your business becomes a trusted part of the landscape, a service that your community grows to know, like, and trust.
And this reaps benefits in … you guessed it … recruitment!
So, if you’re desperate for staff and you don’t have a presence on social media (for example), how are these magical staff going to find you? And why would they choose you over the thousands of others in the same boat as you? You’re scared you’ll have to compete on money, but you can’t afford that. So you keep drowning in too much business, too little time, and not enough help. It’s the businesses that potential recruits feel they know (via social media mostly) who have the edge in this market.
Marketing helps in so many areas of your business and it doesn’t have to be overly time-consuming or difficult.
The easiest thing in the world is to do a one-minute livestream each day talking about your day, talking about your team, showing people what you do, telling them a funny story, or walking them around your premises.
One. Minute.
The only thing stopping you is you. Sure it will feel weird the first few times, and then suddenly it won’t feel weird anymore. It will become a quick and easy part of your day, and you’ll soon learn how to repurpose those little videos for extra content. All of it authentic. All of it letting your ideal staff, clients, or referrers get to know you better.
No more excuses please.