This week I’ve been speaking about this with my Like A Boss members (in BIG detail) and also introduced the concept to my No Quarter members. The key issues everyone is weighed down by seem to be: (i) A need to work “smarter-not-harder” after our past brutal couple of years; (ii) The need for several changes to how their businesses function in order to achieve this (time management, fee structure, recruitment, etc); and then (iii) complete overwhelm at how much work needs to be done with so little time and energy.
But here’s what’s a given … no one will achieve anything if their diary doesn’t have dedicated time set aside each week for them to work on these things. Hence the diary reshape. And that triggers a cascade of fear:
What if I can’t afford to take that time away from income generation? (Cue: fee structure discussion)
What if my clients can’t get their preferred appointment time if I take time away from client work? (Cue: discuss guilt-induced over-availability)
What if my team think I’m slack for not seeing enough clients? (Cue: discuss the role of being the boss)
Most business issues can be addressed in an orderly structure fashion when we have time to focus on them. But time doesn’t grow on trees. We need to TAKE it. We need to make it happen. So, have a look at your typical week. Identify how many hats you wear each week (business owner, client service provider, partner, parent, etc) and make sure there is a structure within your diary to support you to reliably be able to know which hat you’ll be wearing when, AND when you’ll reliably have time to work on your business (and no, NOT at 11:00 at night or on weekends!). Meanwhile, please be gentle on yourself. Rome wasn’t built in a day. Much love, Tess x
Instagram: @dr.tess.crawley
Facebook: Dr Tess Crawley
Twitter: @TessCrawley