MONEY... We all drop the ball sometimes!
This time of year gets us laser focussed on what’s been coming into our businesses, and more confrontingly, what’s been going out.
We are forced to pay close attention to some truths about our businesses that we might not like. Perhaps we’ve been a bit stuck in a comfort zone with regards revenue streams. Or perhaps we’ve fallen into some bad spending habits. *ahem*
Whatever it is, you need to know this:
a) It happens to all of us
b) It doesn’t mean you’re a failure
c) Help is available
d) Now’s the time to make a plan
And when I say make a plan, we’re not just talking about “I promise not to buy so much stationery” … Your plan should include such things as regular meetings with your accountant, getting clarity around your budget, revenue forecasting, AND reductions in unhelpful expenditure (and so on).
I’m here to tell you I STILL drop the financial ball sometimes.
Which is why I’m always so grateful for the support team I have around me. They help me pick that ball right back up and start running with it again!