I’ve had a few conversations this week about delegating. What to delegate, who to delegate to, how to delegate, and all of the feelings that delegating triggers in us.
What to delegate:
* Takes you don’t enjoy (yes, this is allowed!)
* Tasks you never seem to get to
* Tasks that misuse your time
* Tasks that deplete your energy
Who to delegate to:
* People who’ll get the job done (obviously)
* Is there a member of staff who can do the task?
* Do you need to hire admin support?
* Do you need to outsource the task for a fee?
How to delegate:
* Seems obvious, but ask the person to do the task (and don’t expect them to mind-read that you need the job done)
* Show them how you’d like it done;
* Let them get on with doing it
All the feels:
* Feelings of guilt and laziness are common when we’re new to delegating
* Give yourself a pep talk to overcome these feelings
* Remember, the person you’ve delegated to is there because they want to help you
* TRUST that the person will get the job done
* ACCEPT that the person may not do the task the same way you would (that doesn’t mean they’ve done a bad job)
* STOP giving in to the temptation to micro-manage
* IDENTIFY which of these feelings are interfering with you being able to delegate successfully How is this all related to fees?
Once you know who you need to delegate to, you can then determine what that’s going to cost you. Is it a new staff member?
Or an external agency? What will that cost? How does that work within your current revenue streams?
If you NEED the thing done but can’t AFFORD to delegate - you’re not charging enough to support your business.
Consequences of this? You’ll end up adding the thing to your never-ending to do list. And hey presto! Burnout city is your next destination.
So delegating successfully contributes to the longer-term viability of your business, meaning you get to help more people.
Win win!
T x
#businesscoach #psychologist #privatepractice #delegate #selfcare #burnout #melbourne