We've been listening. You told us through our survey that you wanted more tools, more ways to make what you learn with Simplify concrete. And so: here's exactly that!
In this short bonus exercise—a companion to the Ev'Yan Whitney episode, Listen to Your Body, which was released on the same day as this bonus and will be in your feed—Ev'Yan, somatic practitioner and sensuality doula, walks you through a gentle exercise that will help you learn to listen to your body. Try it out, and let us know what you think at podcast@blinkist.com!
See a visual walk-through of the exercise on Blinkist's instagram: https://www.instagram.com/p/CofRSddrZ9l/
Oh, and please take our survey, too! https://try.blinkist.com/simplify-learner-survey/ [1]
MORE ABOUT THE EV'YAN WHITNEY EPISODE (find it in the Simplify feed):
It’s true of almost all of us: we take our bodies for granted. We force them into uncomfortable positions, we push them long after they’re tired, we starve them for aesthetics—and a million more awful things we wouldn’t do to a friend.
One thing we don’t often do to our bodies? Listen to them. And if we did, wow, what we’d learn!
This episode is with Ev’Yan Whitney, somatic practitioner, sensualist, author, podcaster—and advocate for awakening people to the sensory pleasures alive inside of all of us.
Listen to learn how to get into your body, why it matters, and what you’d learn if you spent more time there. And look for a guided practice in listening to your body from Ev’Yan as a bonus follow-up episode!
*** SURVEY: Please tell us who you want to hear from and what you’re curious about. Take Simplify's FIRST EVER LISTENER https://try.blinkist.com/simplify-learner-survey/ [1]
Ev’Yan’s Podcast: Sensual Self [2]
Ev'Yan's Instagram [3]
Recommended by Phoebe:
Recommended by Caitlin
You can listen to many of today’s recommendations on Blinkist for free for 7 days by signing up for the app at www.blinkist.com [4]
Let us know what you thought of this episode, or just come say hi on Twitter! Find Caitlin at @caitlinschiller https://twitter.com/caitlinschiller [5], Ben at @bsto https://twitter.com/bsto [6]. You can write us all an email at podcast@blinkist.com [7].
This episode of Simplify was produced by Caitlin Schiller, Ben Schuman-Stoler, Phoebe McIndoe, and Luiza Carvalho at Blinkist.
[1]: https://try.blinkist.com/simplify-learner-survey/
[2]: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/sensual-self-with-evyan-whitney/id1124567779
[3]: https://www.instagram.com/evyan.whitney/?hl=en
[3]: https://www.blinkist.com/simplify
[4]: www.blinkist.com