Episode description
今天我们有幸邀请到一位自由职业者,来自印度的特别嘉宾——佳妮。佳妮从零开始跟随老师学习中文,曾经尝试参加过不同的中文培训班。然而,由于疫情的原因,她不得不暂停了传统的课堂学习,转而选择自学,并选择那些激发她兴趣的中文学习材料。尽管她的生活与中国毫无关联,但通过她的坚持和努力,她如今能够自如地运用流利的中文。今天,让我们一起倾听这位来自印度的朋友分享她的生活故事。 Today, we are fortunate to have a special guest with us, 佳妮, a freelancer from India. 佳妮 started learning Chinese from scratch, following the guidance of teachers and attending various Chinese language training programs. However, due to the pandemic, she had to pause her traditional classroom learning and opted for self-study, exploring Chinese learning materials that ignited her interest. Despite having no direct connection to China in her daily life, through her perseverance and dedication, she has achieved fluency in Chinese. Today, let's listen to 佳妮, our guest from India, as she shares her life story.