On this episode we bring back Charm City Buyers for a third time.
The first time we talked about how they got to where they are now.
The second time we talked opportunity zones.
This time we talk high level development and strategic planning for Baltimore and how they plan to participate in the acquisition of 220 doors in 2020.
Key points from the show:
Turn off the news and pick up a newspaper.
Books Mentioned:
10X Rule
Think and Grow Rich
Charm City Next Gen: charmcitybuyers.samcart.com/referral/sl…0LTkir6iaRh
Find Charm City on all social media platforms @charmcitybuyers
Sponsor Fam -
Invest with Teri - www.investor101.org
Notary: millinotarypromo.com
Charm City Buyers: charmcitybuyers.samcart.com/referral/sl…0LTkir6iaRh
Hood Estates Trucking: bit.ly/2JQQnlZ
Hood Estates Elite Real Estate: bit.ly/2HCXD25
Ericka Real Estate: bit.ly/2HqKiLb
Ericka Williams Youtube: bit.ly/2Co0V6N
Twenty 47 Watches: twenty47watches.com
Todd Capital: www.gumroad.com/toddcapital
TC Investment Club slack: launchpass.com/p/tcinvestmentclub
HBCU Capital Club slack: launchpass.com/p/hbcurealtytoddcapital